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Corporate Social Responsibility

Comecer S.p.A. is committed to being a globally responsible company in the social, environmental, and economic dimensions.

As a leading player in radiochemistry, nuclear medicine, isolation technology, and decommissioning, the company plays a crucial role in acting responsibly and ethically in its daily operations, serving as a model of corporate responsibility. Indeed, its growth and success in such complex and delicate fields are built upon a deep sense of maturity and a strong work ethic, which require all the personnel to always prioritize the safety and well-being of people, and the environmental protection. Human health and environmental care are considered to have a positive impact on the company’s success, as well as on society. Therefore, Comecer actively strives to maintain a balance between innovation, profit generation, and social responsibility, ensuring strict adherence to regulatory standards, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering a corporate culture that values long-term benefits for people, communities, and future generations.

sustainability-working for a better world

Human Beings at the Centre of the System

“By addressing their social responsibility enterprises can build long-term employee, consumer and citizen trust as a basis for sustainable business models. Higher levels of trust in turn help to create an environment in which enterprises can innovate and grow.” – EU Commission (

Navigating the critical boundaries of radiochemistry, nuclear medicine, and isolation technology is a stimulating experience for all actors involved. However, it requires everyone to approach their roles responsibly and maturely, with professionalism and genuine concern for others. At Comecer, we believe that the well-being and fairness of people must always take precedence over budgets and profits. We adhere to the fundamental ethical principle that places humanity at the center of both problems and their solutions, ensuring that our actions are guided by this core value.

The Safety of People

Since its inception, Comecer’s identity has been defined by the core philosophy of Safety First, which underpins all company policies and drives every action.

For us, being socially responsible goes beyond mere compliance with legal requirements; it means that we adopt guidelines that surpass the legal frameworks as well as that we continuously adapt to technological advancements, ensuring that our solutions evolve in line with the latest developments. Our focus is on creating technologies and resources that prioritize the safety and security of users and patients, while guaranteeing the highest standards to all operators and technician involved.

Quality and Compliance

In line with this philosophy and with the goal of enhancing user and patient safety, we place a strong emphasis on the quality of all the materials and technologies we use. This commitment also enables us to improve the efficiency of our processes while upholding social and environmental sustainability, which are among the company’s top priorities.

To achieve these objectives while ensuring the utmost efficiency in our business operations, Comecer has chosen to implement its management system in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards.

Additionally, we have adopted an organizational model based on Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/01 as a key tool for governance, risk management, and compliance.

Dedicated Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

Comecer has consistently prioritized the health and safety of its employees, demonstrating a proactive and ongoing commitment to improving its practices. This dedication is reflected in the company’s achievements, such as obtaining the voluntary OHSAS 18001 certification in 2014 and transitioning early to ISO 45001 in 2019.

In 2021, Comecer further strengthened its commitment to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency by earning the ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certifications. These certifications not only enhance energy performance and reduce CO2 emissions but also highlight Comecer’s forward-thinking, responsible approach to its operations.

The company is deeply committed to using sustainable energy. It exclusively purchases electricity from renewable sources, with certificates of origin ensuring the energy’s sustainability. Additionally, Comecer generates its own energy through a photovoltaic system.

For climate control, hot water, and foundry burner operations, the methane gas used comes from suppliers who offset CO2 emissions. These offsets are achieved through projects focused on sustainable agriculture and providing access to clean water in sub-Saharan Africa.

Outbound Logistics

Comecer also works to mitigate the environmental impact of its outbound logistics, which accounts for the majority of its emissions (67.3%), due to its international presence in 98 countries. Key measures include:

  • Preference for Sea Transport: When possible and delivery timelines permit, Comecer selects maritime transport, which has a significantly lower environmental impact compared to other forms of transportation.
  • Collaboration with Sustainable Logistics Operators: The company partners with logistics operators who share its commitment to sustainability.

Employee Travel

In addressing emissions from employee travel, the second-largest source of emissions, Comecer has introduced several strategies, many of which were implemented during the pandemic:

  • Identification of Specialized Local Operators: To minimize the need for frequent travel, Comecer uses local operators for timely interventions.
  • Optimization of Travel Distances: Routes are carefully planned to reduce travel distances when trips are necessary.
  • Agreement with Airlines for SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel): To further reduce the environmental impact of business travel, Comecer has partnered with airlines to purchase SAF, significantly lowering CO2 emissions from air travel.

Through these initiatives, Comecer remains committed to sustainability and minimizing its environmental footprint across all areas of its operations.








