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Y-90/Lu-177 C.A. Production
Radioisotope production line designed for the synthesis of Y-90 and Lu-177

Radioisotope production line designed for the synthesis of 90Y and 177Lu

Y-90 and Lu-177 dispensing line

Y-90 And Lu-177 carrier added semiautomatic production plant

  • Number of working chambers:
    • 5
  • Type of process:
    • Terminal sterilization
  • Type of shielding:
    • Lead 80mm / Lead 50mm
  • Automation systems available:
    • Automatic cutting system for irradiated quartz ampoule
  • Particularly interesting features:
    • Semi-automatic dispensing of volumes in the range of microliters for radioactive product
    • Handling management of highly concentrated and corrosive substances, at room temperature and in evaporation
    • Protective acid-proof coating with fluoropolymer (ventilation)
    • Working chambers made of plastic material resistant to radiation, corrosion and able to provide shielding to beta-radiation
  • Productivity:
    • 104 vials per batch, semi-automatic process (operator dependent).

Production line consisting of 5 interconnected hot cells with internal doors divided into two areas and dedicated to the production of 90Y and 177Lu C.A

The external ones are dedicated to the formulation of individual isotopes which, through the intermediate doors, converge into a central cell in which a terminal sterilization process is possible by means of an autoclave and subsequent discharge. The formulation part includes micro-dispensers and peristaltic pump dispensing systems capable of supporting the operator in the preparation, formulation and dispensing phases. Given the particular nature and difficult management of highly concentrated radio-isotopes such as 90Y and 177Lu, it is necessary to manage micro-volumes and therefore employ specific devices such as automatic micro-pipettors.

The presence of extremely acidic compounds in the separation process of 90Sr/90Y and formulation inside the isolator, makes it necessary to have an anti-acid coating on the metal parts and chambers made of plastic material (ideal also for the presence of beta emitters). In addition, appropriate ventilation and filtration are available to reduce highly corrosive fumes. Airlock and handling systems allow the correct introduction and extraction of the starting material irradiated in liquid or solid form, such as ampoules of 176Lu irradiated inside reactors.

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