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Laminar Flow Shielded Cell for Research Activities

The series of MIP-LAF hot cells is specially designed to house various dispensing system and radiochemistry modules. The MIP-LAF shielded isolator is equipped with laminar flow over the entire work area for aseptic operation in compliance with cGMP.

MIP LAF - Laminar Flow Shielded Cell for Research Activities

  • Full laminar air flow working area
  • Modular design and flexible configuration
  • Touch screen for hot cell and dispensing system
  • Airtight connections for radioactive fluids
  • Fluid supply lines made of AISI 316L stainless steel with ball shut-off valves
  • DOP test connections (filter leakage test)
  • Internal pressure automatic adjustment by modulating valves
  • High sensitivity tele-pliers (movement by ball bearings)
  • Dose calibrator (available in the versions 2 Ci or 20 Ci) with touch screen console
  • Product extraction system (Drawing System)
  • Solid waste collection system
  • Particle counter connection
  • Illuminate™ MI: IIoT manufacturing intelligence platform and factory-floor management.

The hot cell can be provided with several accessories such as the possibility of installing several models of telemanipulator, lateral autoclave and shielded or not shielded pre-chamber. The cell is shielded on all sides with 75 mm thick lead. Shielded door with lead glass window. The working area is made of AISI 316L stainless steel with Mirror-Bright surface finishing. Laminar flow and internal ventilation kept in continuous negative pressure. Perfect door closing is ensured by a system of inflatable gaskets placed around the door’s perimeter.

The MIP-LAF cell is equipped with Comecer Drawing System, allowing the extraction of the vial without opening the cell, ensuring safe conditions for the operator, and with a shielded waste compartment.

The cell’s standard equipment also includes a technical lower compartment with electrical sockets, a manual tele-plier for moving the objects from outside, a shielded ion chamber compartment, connected with the working area, where the isotope vials can be calibrated using a pneumatic elevator.

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