The IBC RP Radiopharmacy Management Software is a complete client/server system for a cyclotron facility, central radiopharmacy and academic hospital.
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IBC RP Radiopharmacy Management Software supports you in meeting the cGMP regulations during your daily routine related to inventory management, material handling, preparation, batch production, quality control and delivery of PET tracers and other radiopharmaceuticals.
Due to the high level of integrated automation to standardise the processes in one software, you can finally get rid of all the different electronic tools required to record and link all data required to meet the cGMP compliance.
IBC RP Radiopharmacy Management Software provides a single point of data entry, resulting in complete traceability from raw materials to release and delivery of manufactured multi or mono dose radiopharmaceuticals, reduction of data entry overhead and related errors, improved product quality and patient safety.
If a nuclear medicine department is also present, the IBC RP software can be extended with patient-related modules like injected dose registration and an HL7 or DICOM MWL link with a RIS/PACS system in order to share the patient examination planning of the facility.