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Hand-foot-clothing monitor

VLB-303-2 and VLB-303-2-ST are the new hand-foot-clothing monitors where a small footprint, a robust stainless steel surface and a detection technology based on failure-safe plastic scintillation detectors are the key features. The plastic scintillation detectors are developed specifically to measure the beta and gamma emitting isotopes that are used in the Nuclear Medicine departments.

VLB - Hand-Foot-Clothing Monitor

VLB SERIES - Hand-Foot-Clothing Monitor

VLB-303-2 model is one of the most economical hand-foot-clothing monitors on the market. It uses two plastic scintillation detectors: one patented double-sided hands detector and one foot detector. The detachable hand detector can also be used to measure the clothes or to determine which foot is contaminated.

The VLB-303-2-ST model adds a detector for the measurement of the activity in the stomach based on an end-filter GM tube and a detector capable of measuring the activity in the thyroid. The thyroid detector is based upon a NaI detector.

Vera 303 software

VERA 303 SOFTWARE is an easy-to-use data management software. Is designed to manage VLB-303-X measurements for single users or for a group of users (a department, for example) at one time. VERA 303 Software and Database are stored in a PC connected to the VLB-303-X with an Ethernet connection. This PC manages all the VLB data.
To work with VERA 303, a RFID reader is mounted on the display of the VLB. Every user (or every group) has a dedicated badge to access the VLB. To start the measurement the user should pass his badge in front of the RFID reader: the system recognizes the user, starts the measurements and stores the data.
It is possible to create temporary access for visitors. Those data will be also stored in the VERA Database.
With VERA 303 is possible to create reports for risk analysis. Standard reports are:

  • All users in a certain period of time. Alarms and measurements are summarized for each user.
  • All the measurements for a specific user in a certain period of time. All measurements are shown.

VLB-303 software - easy-to-use data management software

Collimator protection foil

This special protection foil can be applied on the feet detectors to protect the detectors from the ingress of dirt.

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